Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dark Web (Presentation) Blog about someone else Presentation

So I did not think that the internet the common people use is that small compared to the dark web when he show us the chart. He showed us a chart of an ice cube floating on water, and he said that the ice cube was the everyday user using the internet and below the ice cube basically the whole ocean is the dark web. And it goes very deep. And this Dark Web is used basically by criminals. It makes sense when you think of the word Dark Web. On the Dark Web people sell and have services for all kinds of illegal merchandize including buying and selling humans. Buying and selling Guns, Drugs, and even assassination contracts.
And the following presentation was connected to this because it talked about Bit Coins. A form of Currency that’s only available on the internet. And with it only being available on the internet it is also used as transition money for these Dark Web illegal trades.
Also connected to this was The Silk road which is one of the Websites on the Dark web. And the name comes from a trading route in China that treads with the western continents, and like the Silk Road of China they sold Drugs. Well the Chinese used the Silk Road for travel and other merchandise too but it also smuggled in illegal goods.

So the internet does have a dark place, a really dark place.  

A Community

You can find communities just about anywhere you go around the world. Even in past time up to cave man age. And we are made up of small communities when you take in to consider we live in a town, and when someone asks where we live we name that town. But now days communities has a different meaning maybe another meaning other than the Community we are used to before the internet. A community is a group of like-minded people who gather or get together to do whatever activity or plan they have set for them self. It is mostly away to keep in contact, find friends, and do the activities you like to do on a daily basis. And this can range from your Book Club reading to neighborhood watch communities who wants to keep the neighborhood safe.

With the coming of the internet came where people can gather throughout the world instantly. And this spawned many forums, and websites. Right now you can find any kind of community you can think of on the internet. And the internet truly did enable us to find people around the world who has the same interests. With Technology like Skype we can have a face to face conversation with anybody in the world. With websites like Reddit and other Forums we get to see the thoughts and words of people around the world. With the internet came the ability to better communicate and find even more people to join in on a community.          


Convergence is when Data Throughput, Access, Computational Speed, and Memory started to get more advanced and started seeing the rate at which they were advancing. We is Data being able to send at a faster rate through the internet. Going from 14.4 speed to what is now in the Gigabits. And the rate at which this happened is very fast within twenty years. We see Access spreading around the world, witch servers being set up all around the world. Storing Gigabits and terabits of information on them. And we see Computational speed growing faster than any other we have been talking about. Moore’s law states that the computational speed will double every two years. And as we know that it has shattered that recorded now. Some predicting that Computational speed will be at a point where it is viable to mimic a human.  Memory being virtualized and stored on the cloud. And Storage of Memory now have come from Kilobytes to megabytes to what is Gigabytes. And storage has now gotten even faster. Everything I talked about happened in the last twenty years and will keep happening in the future and keep picking up speed the future you go.           

Dot Com to Dot Bomb

People saw that the Internet was growing and companies started taking their businesses to the internet world. By the late 1990’s people saw a huge growth in the Internet, and it was the Dot Com growth. Companies with the Dot Com in their name saw a huge growth on their company’s value. So other companies started to join when they saw how big these companies were getting. And then the Dot Com started seeing even more growth that when it initially started. Now people are investing left and right, buying stocks low and gaining huge amount of money. We also start to get fake companies being made and traded for high value. Big companies buying smaller companies. Some companies traded with their stocks. Netscape was one of the many companies that grew immensely. And the stock market crashed losing billions and trillions of dollars. Amazon and Googles values dropped immensely, and companies shutting down. Corporations and companies laying off people, and Majority of them were in the field of IT. People lost a lot of money when this happened.         

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Visit From Erik Hanberg

We got a visit from Erik Hanberg, and he talked about being online. He talked about the internet and how our work flow has changed because of it. Now you can have a job right at your home office. Or get together a group of people who are states apart or even countries apart to come and work in an office you have rented. He went on to saying that he writes books and publishes them, and at first he did that through the normal way you would have done it before the internet. He went through an agent, an intermediary who would then contact publishers to get his book published. When you publish books this way you have to think about marketing, how to make your book known at first when you are publishing for the first time. If this is not the first time you have to think about keeping your readers up to date with what is happening and at the same time try gain new readers. Now with the internet Erik has found it easier than it used to be, and at the same time it seems the competition has grown tremendously. With the internet when publishing a book you no longer need that agent (disintermediation) and you become self-published. With self-publishing you get the benefit of keeping all the revenue you have earned minus the online publish sites small cut which in Erik case was Amazon and kindle. Before he would have had to split his money two ways for the agent and the publisher. And with the internet reaching out to his readers and marketing to new readers is even easier and virtually cost no money and can travel around just from word of mouth. But with this the Self-publishing on Amazon and kindle grew exponentially because of how easy it was. And this means that you do not have to be a big name writer to get recognized and have this as a job.                  

Friday, November 20, 2015

What I Would Not Buy Online

It was hard to choose what three things I would not buy online, because in almost all cases I always order from Amazon unless I really want something that day. But then I started to think about what I bought online and it was exclusively electronics, books, and games. So branching out from that what I would not buy became easy.

I would not buy:

  1. Food items – I will always prefer going out to the store and picking my own food items.
  2. Clothing – just like food I prefer to go to a store and try them on before buying them.
  3. Car – This is a onetime purchase but when I do purchase it I want to be in the car test driving it.

When I shop online I always look at user reviews and YouTube reviews before I buy something online. Electronics, books and games are where I can find people who have the same taste as me. And I have YouTube reviewers who I have followed for a very long time that I can put my trust in them when they are reviewing something I want to buy. Food, Clothing and cars are where I am uncomfortable listing to another’s point, because it is way more subjective than the other three I listed.        

Sunday, November 15, 2015

EPIC 2015

EPIC 2015 was a short movie we watched in class that talk about major events that happened in the world of technology. But those events takes a turn for fiction when the date passes the videos published date, in other words it completely turns to fiction after about 2006. It starts out by saying factually correct information like Tim Burners Lee inventing the World Wide Web, Amazon and Google inventions. But after 2006 he starts to predict new events that would unfold, and I can see why he would predict these based on the time. But all of the predictions he told did not come true at all.

Predictions he made:

2006 - Google unveils the Google Grid, a universal platform offering an unlimited amount of space and bandwidth that can be used to store anything.
2007 - Microsoft Newsbotster, a social news network, ranks and sorts news. It allows everyone to comment on what they see.
2008 - Google and Amazon merge to form Googlezon.
2010 - The news wars rage between Microsoft and Googlezon. But not really wars.
2011 - The New York Times sues Googlezon.
2014 - Googlezon unleashes EPIC, the Evolving Personalized Information Construct.  

My personal favorites are Googlezon and how The New York Time sues Googlezon. And the Fact that google won because it was so powerful. That fact is basically true today. Google is really powerful, and the internet is putting the Newspaper industry out of business. And I won’t be surprised if EPIC does come true and even more powerful so. With many researching more powerful A.I maybe the world will become fully automatic without human intervention.      

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Scavenger Hunt on the Internet

On Monday’s class we had an assignment to go on a scavenger hunt on the internet. We had nineteen items we had to find and I thought it was going to be relatively simple. We divided up the work I was working on question three. The first two question we my teammates did quickly but I got stuck on number three because it asked me for old information, I had to look through many sites to go through to find it. When I search on google there are literally millions and millions of search results. But just typing in the question didn’t work so I had to choose key words just to get around to find it, it took me awhile. But without the doubt the hardest was to find the married name of the professor’s younger sister. One team found it so quick and easy I don’t know how they managed that. We don’t know what she looked like, professor never talked about her so we had no context. That question we spent the rest of class time on we still couldn’t find it. Some people went to Facebook, some went to historical records. Still that’s millions of people to look through even if we know the family names of the professor there are still multiple people with same names. What it does illustrate is that we can find ourselves on the internet even without us ever doing anything, maybe because of a friend or a meeting we attended to.               

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My experience creating HTML page

At first I thought “oh creating an HTML page has got to be a lot of work, you have to write a lot of codes and stuff. I wonder how many codes I have to write”. So I went and looked at the assignment and thought “This can’t be this simple”. But I followed the instruction and there it is I have created my own web page. But I am the only one who can open it, so I still don’t know how other people are creating web pages and letting the world see what they have created. I am guessing it has to do something with the I.P stuff we talked about in class. That said I wrote a couple of words on a plain white background, so I don’t know how those fancy looking websites did what they did. I am guessing long hours of grueling coding. That doesn’t sound fun. It was cool to see that how all this started was this simple a thing.   

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Similarities and differences between E-mail and Postal Service

The postal service has been around for many ages, spanning back to ancient times. First form of messages that is similar to postal service I would say would have been when people used birds to send messages over large distances quickly. People would write a small messages attach it to the bird’s feet and then send the bird to a place or a person. Another form is a person going on a horse or by boat to deliver messages, this is the closest to postal service and going by horse, boat or using birds this happened five hundred to thousand years ago. So conveying messages has been around for long time. I guess the first messages were for trade for war purposes. To communicate with your allies or business partners was crucial. I would think that sending messages to family or friends only came up during major travel and colonizing when Europe set their eyes on the world. And back then it would take months to years to get in contact or receive the messages.

So when technology became advance enough to send messages through a network people were excited, excited because of how quick and efficient it was. Again first group of people to use electronic mail was the military or science and education departments. Just like in ancient time it came about through the advent of war. To send a secret messages to the opposite side of the world within seconds. To have a discussion within seconds this is what the electronic mail did. When the time came to when the public was using it, people had to think of a way to make it approachable and simple to everyday people. Otherwise it would fail simply because of not having knowledge of its functions. So now it’s very similar to a postal service which we have known since ancient time.

What is a postal service, it is a company who receives mail written by a person who wants it delivered to another person and the post office company is the intermediary between them. They only require an envelope with the letter inside and the address on the envelope, and a stamp, and fee to deliver it. The post man then gets his bundle of mail from the post office then goes and delivers them throughout his sector of the city. But an Electronic mail cuts the intermediary off which is the postal service and the mail man. E-mail directly sends you written message to the other person.

E-mail was so simple and efficient that the postal service no longer mattered but they are not useless yet. E-mail had the same basic functions as the Postal service such as a space to write the letter and a title. And address to input to send to the specified person. And just like the Postal Service, E-mail would go to the sever which is the Postal office and then go to the person. The interface to use and E-mail is so similar to and actual experience of going to the post office. You have a send button and or a picture of an envelope to click. You have an inbox to receive the mail. Have junk and spam mail these are all experiences had before the E-mail from the Postal service.

The major differences are that E-mail is faster and more efficient. No bills and payment required you don’t even have to leave your house to send the mail. One of the advantages of a postal service is the ability to ship objects. And when you send a letter it will most likely get to its destination even if you made some mistake on the address, Because of the Mail man’s familiarity with the area and community. If you make an error on the address of an E-mail it will go to the wrong person or won’t go to any person. Let’s hope that we can ship objects through electronic means in the future so we can be lazy bums and stay in the house.